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FAQ - Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen

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  • Is AbsClust data secure?
    Yes, AbsClust provides up to date data security measure and is totaly GDPR compliant.
  • Is Absclust only for scientific articles?
    The public version of AbsClust is currently used for scientific articles. Generally, our system can operate with every type of data including word documents, presentations or technical drawings and is not limited to publications.
  • How can I integrate AbsClust in my organization?
    Generally, there are 3 main ways our clients can integrate AbsClust within their organization: Fully-fledged discovery system - We use your data archives (e.g. publications) and build a white labeled discovery system for you, which you can provide to your users or employees to easily search through the data. API integration - Some of our features can be integrated within your existing platform or software. Bulk licenses - You can order volume licenses for your employees or researchers and get special discounts. Customized solution - you have a use case that is similar to our tool? Let's talk about how we can help you.
  • What sources does Absclust use?
    For the open AbsClust version, we use the Semantic Scholar database of 200 million articles. Working with organizations, we can adjust the database to any kind of customized databases and archives.
  • Where is AbsClust hosted?
    Currently, we host our servers in Germany. For enterprises, there is also the option to have an on-premise solution.
  • Is Absclust for free?
    We do provide a free plan to try out AbsClust with limited possibilities. To get unlimited access there is a plan for 10€/month.
  • In what languages is AbsClust available?
    Currently, AbsClust works for both German and English. We are working on providing more languages in the future.
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AbsClust ermöglicht Bibliotheken, Archiven und Unternehmen, mithilfe von KI schnell Erkenntnisse aus riesigen Datenarchiven zu gewinnen und zeitaufwändige Suchvorgänge in effiziente Entdeckungen umzuwandeln.

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